To maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract and microflora of dogs and cats under 7 years of age. Once in the body, probiotics displace pathogenic bacteria from the intestines and normalize the microflora. Probiotics are involved in the breakdown of bile and fatty acids and carbohydrates. A healthy gut microflora reduces the risk of food allergies. Lacto bacteria are necessary for the synthesis of folic and nicotinic acids and vitamins B3, B6, B12, K. which inhibit the development of pathogenic bacteria and improve the digestion and absorption of nutrients from food.

    Ingredients: bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, bacterial waste products, bacterial spores, oligosaccharides, starch, skim milk, sucrose for flavor.

    Indications for use:

    • daily prevention and maintenance of the health of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal microflora of dogs and cats under 7 years of age;
    • maintenance and restoration of microflora during and after taking antibiotics;
    • during periods of illness, operations (with a general weakening of the body, the number of pathogenic microorganisms increases significantly);
    • pregnancy and lactation (prevention of microflora disorders);
    • puppies and kittens born by caesarean section, who did not receive colostrum from their mother;
    • Maintenance of the gastrointestinal tract during the transition to a new food or when changing the type of food.
    Use: For permanent use or in courses of 3 months. Add to animal nutrition. Divide the daily dose into 2 doses.

    Dose per day (depending on the weight of the pet):
    • Puppies and kittens up to 2 kg on the first day of taking 1 tab after meals, then ½ tab 2 times a day.
    • Adults. animals up to 25 kg - 1 tablet / 2 times a day, animals over 25 kg - 2 tablets / 2 times a day. On the first day of taking 2 tablets at a time, regardless of weight after meals.
    Package: 42 tab. A pack lasts from 10 to 42 days (depending on weight)

    Not a veterinary drug.
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